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Trainees hard at work!

News Article from Tuesday 31st May 2016

The Toowoomba Construction Skills Program is well underway with our DGT Trainees working hard at Toowoomba Clubhouse this week.

Will Yesburg their supervisor is very pleased with the progress they have made over the last week or so. 

"They (the trainees) are progressing nicely and working along in a group, keeping themselves going and coming up with lots of questions so learning very well."

The team of trainees have been focusing on the back Cottage at the Clubhouse in transforming it into back offices. 

They have been achieving this through putting up non-load bearing internal walls to create 4 offices. This allows them to practice wall framing and sheeting. Following the internal walls the Cottage will receive an external paint job, which all of the trainees were busy preparing today. 

The highlight so far for Will has been seeing how engaged all of the trainees have become in giving back to the community. 

"They are all happily getting out there and having a go, using tools they haven't used before and building up confidence in their skills and themselves."

Next up is a fantastic project to convert the heritage listed Clubhouse stage into a meeting room! The trainees will face interesting challenges with this project as the stage area is heritage listed and is not quite level. 

Stay tuned to see how they step up to the meeting room challenge!

Trainees hard at work!
Trainees hard at work!
Trainees hard at work!
Trainees hard at work!
Trainees hard at work!

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