Skilled Up & Ready to GO!
News Article from Tuesday 17th April 2018
On the 6th April DGT farewelled our graduates completing the Skilled Up Build Program as part of the Skilling Queenslanders for Work Initiative.
Every trainee who graduated received their Nationally Recognised Qualification - Certificate I in Construction CPC10111.
The Skilled Up - Build Program is an 18 week paid Construction Traineeship that will assist in enhancing employability and also equips you for work as Labour Hire in Toowoomba and the Darling Downs area.
This round of trainees were involved in works carried out at the valuable community centre Sunrise Way with Sunrise Way commenting on their Facebook page that "This Skilling Queenslanders for Work project certainly is achieving its goals!"
We couldn't agree more and are very proud of each and every one of our graduates.
Pictured here are some of the graduates receiving their qualification from their dedicated Construction trainer John Steiner.
Firstly we have Matthew Allen and Trainer John Steiner - Matthew Allen has gone on to obtain a Plumbing Apprenticeship as a result of this training.
Then we have Biannca Oberhardt and Trainer John Steiner.
Next is Tyrell Swan, Nicholas Fritz, Uwan Rogers and Ben Jackson all receiving their final qualification from John.
Finally we have a picture of Massey Collins and Trainer John Steiner - Massey has gone on to obtain a Painting Apprenticeship with DGT.
Two of the graduates Massey and Matthew have already gone onto find full time apprenticeships, read more about their success in our article Skilled Up for Apprenticeships .