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School based training success

News Article from Monday 24th April 2017

Did you know practical nationally recognised training can begin even as you complete your high school education?

DGT have supported school based apprenticeships and traineeships with local employers since their beginnings and here's why.

Liam Sauney was interested in pursuing his interests in the automotive industry and registered with DGT to get started.

DGT were able to arrange a few days work experience with local employer Bob Jane Tmart. Liam impressed his employer so much that in just a few days secured himself a full time school based traineeship in Certificate II Automotive Tyre Fitting Technology. 

Liam and his employer are thrilled with the speed of the process and also the match made by DGT. Mitch Fry Liam's supervisor reported to DGT that he is very happy with Liam's progress and work ethic at this early stage of his traineeship. Liam was able to prove a school based traineeship was a good fit for both his employers labour requirements and also his school education requirements.

Liam is also very happy and is enjoying the daily tasks and work schedule he is set. This will also mean that Liam will be well on his way to a career in the automotive industry even before he finishes school! Gaining nationally recognised fully transferable skills. 

Another example of continued success of school based traineeships as an employment option for employers is that of Hayley Smith and her family. 

Hayley is currently completing her Certificate III in Agriculture hosted through her family's farm. Hayley is pictured with her RTO trainer from the QLD Agricultural Training College doing this practical assessment. She was learning hoof care and re-shoeing procedures as well trimming the hooves for the horses comfort. Some would call it a horse's manicure! 

Hayley has almost finished her traineeship, with time left to then concentrate on her Year 12 O.P. studies for the rest of the year. 

Dave and Karen Smith are advocates for the school based traineeship option having also put their eldest daughter through the same training with DGT a few years ago. 

These are just two of the stories of success for school based training, register your interest with DGT today to either;

Find a school based training opportunity.


Host a school based trainee or apprentice.



School based training success

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