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Our graduates got skill!

News Article from Friday 24th March 2017

DGT is proud to announce the successful graduation of the most recent group of construction trainees last Friday the 17th of March as part of the Toowoomba Construction Skills Program in conjunction with Toowoomba Clubhouse. 

All of the trainees that began their training with DGT completed with flying colours, with over half attaining full time employment as a direct result of the program. Many of the trainees joined the program initially after struggling to find employment. Whether you know someone who has struggled finding employment or been there yourself - these trainees are testament to how finding the right course and the right support can catapult you into your chosen career. 

The Toowoomba Construction Skills Program is funded through the Skilling Queenslanders for Work Initiative. After her recent visit to Toowoomba in February, Minister Yvette D'Ath announced there will be another $33.8 million in continued funding for 172 programs such as ours throughout Queensland. Minister D’Ath personally visited the Toowoomba Clubhouse site to see first hand the works the trainees were doing within the community.  

Minister D’Ath announced in Parliament last week that 6200 Queenslanders have now secured jobs as a direct result of the Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative. Another 1500 Queenslanders have gone on to further training, and 224 young people have returned to school as a result of the program.

The visit was a great boost to trainee morale and helped the group to a strong finish, with one trainee Neil Salcedo staying in the program for an extra week to assist in the final painting of the clubhouse deck and extension. Displaying dedicated and the ability to go above and beyond Neil is hopeful to secure an apprenticeship in construction with his goal to become a Project Manager.


During their time as Toowoomba Construction Skills trainees they gained real life exposure and practical hands-on experience in; hand and power tools usage, cementing and levelling and erecting beams and trusses, whilst at the same time remaining aware of and keeping in line with the Heritage guidelines.

The resulting success stories are undeniable, Liam Pemberton secured a full time carpenters apprenticeship interstate in Canberra. Michael Cattell gained full time employment with a well respected local company working on the second range crossing project as a pipe layer. Jamie Potter heads up to Cloncurry to begin as a full time Jackaroo on a cattle station. Chris Bevan secured full time employment with a home builders with the hope of securing a carpentry apprenticeship, whilst Brody Ahsam is now a full time spare parts controller.

Robert King will be stepping into a carpentry apprenticeship with one of DGT’s current host employers and Racquelle Sutton has been offered a trial with a view to commencing an apprenticeship in air conditioning and refrigeration. Nicholas Paynter will be living up to his name after joining Planet Paints. 

Interestingly Susannah Schultz enjoyed the course so much that her potential was spotted by DGT and she will be joining the company full time as an assistant trainer into the future. 


DGT are dedicated to employment outcomes for all course participants, even employing participants into their organisation. The outcomes for the trainees so soon after graduating are outstanding, however there are still 5 potential superstars seeking their career break. 

Jessica Williams, Hakeem Duncan, Jayden Welke and Bryson Jasperse are currently all seeking full time apprenticeships in the construction industry, with Brodie Neumann interested in pursuing a full time carpentry apprenticeship.

If you are an employer in either construction or carpentry seeking well prepared applicants for a role please contact DGT or register your interest online, we’d be happy to facilitate a match for your business. 

Students don’t become graduates without a strong leader steering the ship from the wheel. It was DGT trainer Ian Jolly who was responsible for the successful outcomes for these young people. He instructed and delivered with direction that brought out outstanding natural talent in the trainees, which some of them didn’t even realise they had. Ian was able to identify leaders in the group who took directions well allowing them to take on leadership roles in projects as well as onsite at the Toowoomba Clubhouse renovations. 

Mal Harders was the employment consultant working alongside Ian to see this group through, when asked for his thoughts on the group Mr Harders said “This group were a pleasure to manage, always displaying excellent team work and good ethics whilst working at Toowoomba Clubhouse. I wish them all the very best of luck in their future and chosen careers of employment and enjoyed their friendship and commitment during the program.”

Applications for the next round of trainees in this fulfilling program are now being processed and work is set to begin in the next few weeks. 

If you missed this round of applications, DGT are offering the same qualification through the Certificate I in Construction outside of the Toowoomba Construction Skills Program, meaning you will still benefit from gaining all of the same skills as the trainees do. Contact DGT to see if you are eligible.

Our graduates got skill!

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