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Official Opening of New Offices

News Article from Friday 9th March 2018

Mayor Antonio joined DGT today to officially open their new offices at their Duhig Street location. Recognising DGT's place and heritage within the region Mayor Antonio said “DGT are part of that Rich Traditions and they are also part of that Bold Ambition that we have in the Toowoomba region." 

"You have made a major contribution and a modern, professional facility such as this expresses clearly that boldness and that faith we have in our future... You have provided a great service to the community by creating sustainable career pathways to the youth through apprenticeships, through traineeships and through training." Mayor Antonio continued. 

"It’s great to see a not for profit organisation so committed to this community and making such a difference. "

John Blakeney, Chairman of the Board and Darren McDonell, CEO spoke alongside Mayor Antonio proudly regarding what this means for DGT.

“Today is the finalisation of a plan to redirect DGT to meet new challenges for the future. We know of the decline in apprenticeships and although that’s been spoken about by governments and industry alike, unfortunately very little has changed and the numbers sadly continue to decline. As a result some years ago we altered our direction towards training and we always wanted to have one site, under one roof.” John Blakeney Chairman of the Board said.

“DGT is not resting on it’s laurels,” Mr Blakeney continued. 

“These offices physically represent DGT’s coming together as one and reaching it’s ultimate goal of being better together. We’ve come so far in the last couple of years and it feels great to be able to represent this journey through our new facilities.” Mr McDonell said.

The new offices set to strengthen DGT’s ability to continue servicing the community to the highest possible standard. In 2016, the dedicated training facility to the rear of the location was completely and beautifully renovated by the team at FKG, with plans to bring the head offices on site shortly thereafter. The FKG team was selected again to continue their fine work after successfully tendering for the bid on the head office.

The finished buildings now successfully represent training and employment under one roof on the one site. DGT offers new modern facilities, comfortable learning environments, and dedicated training spaces, all resulting in higher quality outcomes for every student.

This means that DGT’s students, are better equipped to utilise the training they receive and provide more value to their own or others businesses.

There is ample car parking space, workshops, air-conditioning a dedicated confined spaces and working at heights training area, a 12 seat state of the art computer room, fully equipped training rooms, afterhours access when required and Board room and room hire all available to the local community.

For more information about the new location and it’s facilities please contact DGT on 07 4639 2099 or contact us here. 

DGT have serviced Toowoomba and the Darling Downs since 1987. As a not-for-profit, community based organisation with charity satus. DGT are proud to have been a part of the local community for over 30 years. The main purpose of the organisation is to provide quality employment and training solutions for employers, employees and jobseekers alike.

DGT’s mission is to generate quality, sustained employment outcomes for apprentices and trainees; to produce a skilled workforce and productive community; and to partner with quality employers in industries including but not limited to Construction, Automotive, Agriculture, Horticulture, Business, Retail, Information Technology, Electro-technology, Hospitality and Engineering.

“You can rely on us to achieve better futures for our young jobseekers, better quality skills for local businesses and better outcomes for a brighter more vibrant community.” - Darren McDonell, CEO.

Official Opening of New Offices
Official Opening of New Offices
Official Opening of New Offices
Official Opening of New Offices

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