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Make your vote count!

News Article from Friday 24th June 2016

The voices of apprentices and trainees join the federal election campaign. Apprentices and trainees from around Australia have lent their voices to a federal election campaign to secure a better deal for young people undertaking skills training.


Under the campaign theme, “Back what works – skills and jobs through apprenticeship employment” the apprentices and trainees express their views about the need for government support in developing their skills and careers.

At a time when the number of apprentices and trainees has been in decline the campaign aims to encourage MPs, Senators and candidates for the federal election to actively show their support for skills training.


The community is looking to political leaders to demonstrate precisely how they plan to support apprentices and trainees, how they plan to improve take-up and completion rates, and how they will help to elevate the status of vocational education and training. 

Group training organisations work with tens of thousands of largely micro, small and medium sized businesses who would otherwise not employ an apprentice or a trainee. These organisations help match employees to jobs, and guide and mentor them through to the completion of their apprenticeship or traineeship. This directly links training to real jobs provided by host employers – not ‘training-for-training’s sake’.


DGT asks you to make your vote count on Saturday July 2nd and support those MP's who support our apprentices.



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