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It's official the DGT Training Centre is OPEN!

News Article from Friday 20th May 2016

Excitement and optimism filled the air as Mayor Paul Antonio officially opened the new and improved DGT Training Centre for the Toowoomba community at 56 Duhig Street on Thursday evening.


The DGT Training Centre will serve to facilitate all DGT learners, provide short courses for industry such as First Aid, Working at Heights, Confined Spaces and Forklift licenses, function room hire, workshop facilities for practical qualifications and longer certification programs such as Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.


The opening evening was a great success with champagne and canapes accompanying the official ceremony.  John Blakeney, Chairman of the board addressed the crowd and reminded them of how far this company has come after the devastating floods hit their Ruthven Street offices back in 2011. The spirit of the company was to push on and not close up shop.


John also reminisced on why the company first started over 28 years ago “They (the founders) wanted to help people, mainly young ones, to get apprenticeships and training - to get jobs and develop skills that could take them to the top of their profession.” Stating that these aims and objectives initially identified are still as important and relevant today.


Darren McDonell CEO spoke about the important work this centre will help this company do.

“The facility will allow DGT to meet our corporate objectives of delivering services that are responsive, innovative and viable to ensure customer satisfaction and to seek out partnerships with stakeholders in the community that add economic and social value.”


“Whilst it is important for DGT to increase our turnover, the most important figure is the number of students we educate each year, last year we educated just over 2700 students and this year we are on target to the do the same again this year, and we haven’t had this facility for 5 months. Over the past 4 years we have educated around 10,000 students in our training centre. The three year target is to educate over 4000 learners per year.” Thereby solidifying the invaluable contribution DGT makes in educating our community.


Mayor Paul Antonio gave a rousing address, in particular about the current state of the Toowoomba community and how far we as a region have come. “We are very proud when we look at this community and see what it does.”


Mayor Antonio related his own education to his success and spoke on the importance of education and training for any community.

“The education and training system has changed dramatically, it takes a lot of dedication.

You realise why training is so important and why it is important that we nurture our young people.” Ending his address he acknowledged DGT as an important community member “There is probably no better example of a good organisation that is doing a lot for this community than DGT itself.”


The community was well represented with guests from many important community groups including Councillor Geoff McDonald and member for Toowoomba North Trevor Watts MP all having enjoyed the evening’s festivities.

The DGT team were out in force and making our company proud! As CEO Darren said the team were looking "Schmicko!". 

Congratulations must go to all of the team for such a wonderful effort and team work. 

“Here we can expand our horizons and expand our courses. How well equipped we are to satisfy any training needs or any business needs, or any rooms you may require to undertake whatever is needed.” Mr Blakeney surmised.


If you are looking to expand your horizons or satisfy your training or business needs then join DGT to be better – together.



It's official the DGT Training Centre is OPEN!
It's official the DGT Training Centre is OPEN!
It's official the DGT Training Centre is OPEN!
It's official the DGT Training Centre is OPEN!
It's official the DGT Training Centre is OPEN!
It's official the DGT Training Centre is OPEN!

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