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Graduation Day for our Toowoomba Construction Skills Program Trainees

News Article from Friday 8th September 2017

DGT is very proud to announce that today another 15 trainees have successfully graduated from the Toowoomba Construction Skills Program as part of the State Government’s Skilling Queenslanders for Work Initiative.

All 15 trainees demonstrated the skills required in order to gain their Certificate I in Construction which is a nationally recognised qualification. Through the program trainees were able to gain practical skills at Sunrise Way where the participants began building a purpose built shed/cubby house using many of the building techniques and real life skills used by carpenters.

Sunrise Way is a worthy not for profit organisation assisting those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction within our community. DGT are thrilled that our trainees have the chance to give back to their community in such a real, tangible way. All whilst earning a wage!

Earning a wage, whilst learning practical skills and finishing with a national qualification is just what most of these trainees require to kickstart their pathway into a construction career. 

Take Kelsey Parker for example. Kelsey achieved an incredibly successful outcome from the program and is going straight into a Painting and Decorating Apprenticeship with a local Toowoomba business.

Happy Graduation Day to all of our Trainees and a massive Congratulations for a job well done. 

Want to join us as a Trainee? Hurry Applications close for the next round of Traineeships Monday the 11th of September!


Check out the graduation photos and some of the participants at work below. 

Photo 1 - All 15 Trainees at the Graduation ceremony with their trainer Suse and their Employment Consultant Mal. 

Photo 2 - From left to right; 


This photo is taken at Sunrise Way 



Graduation Day for our Toowoomba Construction Skills Program Trainees
Graduation Day for our Toowoomba Construction Skills Program Trainees

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