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DGT's Year in Review

News Article from Wednesday 21st December 2016

What a year it has been with the company achieving major milestones to be very proud of, here is the round up of all the best bits. 

Whether you're looking for an apprenticeship or traineeship, looking to host or mentor, looking for labour hire solutions, looking for workplace training or simply looking for training short courses then the company's 2016 will prove to you why you can continue to choose DGT into 2017 for all of the above. 

We asked DGT's CEO Darren McDonell for his Top 3 achievements for 2016;

"This year we have achieved some major milestones for the company, my top three are; 

  1. Opening of the all new DGT Training Centre at 56 Duhig Street

  2. Consolidation and unification of the two companies (The Apprenticeship Company and Downs Group Training) into the one strong team as simply DGT resulting in a complete rebrand 

  3. Diversification of offerings for everything employment and training in the one home

...and of course on a personal note becoming Grandad Darren!!"

Check out these impressive figures the entire team helped achieve this year;

  • 36 apprentice/trainee completions - a stellar figure with almost all of the graduates securing ongoing employment either immediately with their current host employer of within the next few weeks!

  • 101 apprentice/trainee commencements - ensuring the cycle is continued by assisting the next wave of young people towards becoming the future business leaders and skilled workers of our community

  • 1824 new enrolments into DGT's training courses - outstanding result in fact our best yet!

  • 1396 learners gained certification by completing their training course with DGT - that's alot of learning!

Towards their vision of a brighter more vibrant future for all, DGT has worked very hard in 2016 to get back to its roots as a community based organisation. The Toowoomba Construction Skills Program under the Skilling Queenslanders for work program was a shining example of this vision at work. Working alongside Toowoomba Clubhouse to employ and empower jobseekers whilst giving back to such an important community initiative.

DGT's own Sonny Pan worked closely with youths at both Wilsonton Heights Community Centre and Harlaxton Community Centre to deliver practical real life skills through our Certificate I in Construction certified training course. 

Furthermore DGT trainer Charles White spent countless hours working full time with dozens of local high school students to ensure they completed their Certificate I in Construction training and certification.

DGT is also very proud of Darren's industry achievements this year in being nominated on the Apprentice Employment Network Board into the position of Deputy Chairperson and appointed to the National Apprentice Employment Network Board as the Queensland Representative. The hard work done in 2016 is paying off for all! 

The DGT team has also evolved throughout the year and gained some new members as below and pictured;

Kyle Quinlan joined us as Operations Manager as we said farewell to the much loved Ben James. 

Kimberley Jessen jumped on board with a background in real estate to bolster our Labour Hire offerings.

Chelsea Edser will welcome you at our front desk as we said goodbye to the wonderful Tessie Dwyer.

Ian Jolly steps in from being a casual trainer to a full blown member of the team and you will find him frequenting our training centre running various courses. 

As the team look forward to 2017 they plan on continuing to find ways to strive for excellence and to continue delivering growth to all areas.  

Until then all of the team wish all of our valued clients and employees a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Please note our offices will close on Friday the 23rd of December at 12.30pm and reopen again on Monday the 9th of January 2017.


DGT's Year in Review
DGT's Year in Review

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