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Braden Lang Win's Apprentice of the Year

News Article from Tuesday 11th August 2015

The Apprenticeship Company Engineering Apprentice  Braden Lang has been awarded the winner of the Harry Hauenschild Apprentice of the Year 2015. The QLD Training awards - Darling Downs South West Regional took place on Friday  7th August in Toowoomba. Darren McDonell CEO of The Apprenticeship Company has said “The QLD Training Awards is a great night to celebrate Apprentices and Trainees who are excelling in their training. It is a proud moment to see one of our Apprentices win.” Field Officer Mal Harders work with Braden through out his apprenticeship  “Braden deserves this win, his hard work and dedication to completing his qualification has been an inspiring journey to watch and be a part of”. Braden will progress to state training awards in Brisbane in September.

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